Nature Happenings

  • Project FeederWatch ends this month,
  • Baltimore Orioles arrive later this month. Be sure to have their nectar feeders ready.
  • Prothonotary Warblers arrive early this month from their wintering grounds in Central and South America.
  • Listen for the subtle "Pee-O-Wee" call of the Eastern Wood-Pewee upon its return.
  • Whip-poor-wills arrive in the first half of the month.
  • Chuck-will’s-widows start to arrive in the last week of the month
  • Last of the Whooping Cranes depart Aransas NWR by the middle of the month.
  • Free-tailed Bats return from Mexico.
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks arrive at inland breeding sites.
  • South winds bring major waves of migrating birds such as southern-breeding warblers and vireos in the first half and more northerly species in the second half of the month.
  • Painted Buntings begin to arrive late in the month.
  • Lyrids meteor shower, late-April.
  • Earth Day, April 22.